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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Temporary Feelings

hey peeps :)

so much things yang i nak story.. everythings have change and im happy with that CHANGEs! but for this post is about my TEMPORARY FEELINGS :)

I often fall in temporary feelings. Because of long term of loneliness deep inside my heart.

Macam mana yang dikatakan temporary feelings? Bila someone new yang you kenal dalam kehidupan you and you become so interested with him. Itu dipanggil temporary feelings. okay macam nie dia macam nie. Bila you beli barang baru. you sangat excited masa pakai. Bila dah lama lama tu you akan rasa bosan. Semua orang macam tu kan? Baru je beli barang baru sangat excited sangat teruja mula mula sampai satu hari satu malam explore barang tu. Bila dah lepas 3 - 4 minggu terus bosan dengan barang baru tu. Faham teorinya?That's why we often called our temporary feelings as crush.

Aku tak nak panggil temporary feelings is a love. Temporary feelings is more to suka. Suka dengan cinta lain tahu? you suka suka kawan dengan dia. Sebab dia sorang sahaja yang baru muncul dalam kotak hati you. And that's the problem. Temporary feelings ni you hanya rasa kepada seorang sahaja. Susah nak pindahkan kepada orang lain. Jadi you akan avoid untuk berkenalan dengan orang lain. Ya temporary feelings boleh berubah kepada orang lain tapi it will takes a lot of time.

Sekali you fall with temporary feelings dah susah nak merangkak balik bangun semula dari this feelings. Macam biasa it will takes a lot of time untuk you surpass the temporary feelings stage. Tapi if you surpass pun, nanti lepas kenal dengan orang baru it will happens again. We can't actually control our feelings towards a person. Kalau nak jadi, it will happens. That's the problem. Susah kan human being nie.

Temporary feelings also occur masa you baru lepas break up. you senang suka kat orang lain sebab you lonely. You are lonely and you needs someone just like your past to care about you. But dear, this is not the way are. You will hurting someone else heart too if you decided to have a relationship with him after short term of break up moment. Just give your heart a space. It's okay to be in long term single moment. That's nothing to be ashamed of. And remember don't try to flirt with someone else if you still have a feeling to your past ex.

It's never easy to deal with it. Nak halau perasaan yang dah sebati dengan jiwa is too hard to do. Trying to knowing someone else it's not a good way because you already have a crush on him. And you can only see him in someone else eyes. Biarkan sahaja temporary feelings ini dalam hati you. Lama lama nanti when times goes, it will gone. Dah nama pun temporary. It will gone sooner or later. I do like him but kalau temporary feelings nie tak akan bertahan CHILL :)

yes i pon tgh confuse skarang samada LOVE or just TEMPORARY FEELINGS. hmm.. or maybe im just syok sendiri (SS) PEACE! living young,wild and free !

FOR MY BABES i do love both of u too much! :'( im sorry for everything and im trying hard to do the best for us :')


  1. sukaaaaaaa! love u babyyy! i taktau samada perasaan saya temporary feelin or betul2 :'(

    1. make sure betol2 la.. tak maw la ada temporary feelings.. ta best dohh

  2. I do have the same problem. That temporary feelings. Hmmm +_+

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